Sunday, March 30, 2014

The book fair, one earring and a kiwi soda

It's surprising how such a little place could bring me so much comfort. I always had a pipe dream to own a coffee shop someday, and I'll take every good feeling from coffee shops that I've been to as inspirations.

This week has been a nice week I guess. I've been caught up thinking about quite a few events to come, and although it sounds like a lot of work, at least I wouldn't feel much like a slacker anymore. I am a grade one procrastinator, and I always try to convince myself that I don't have time for this and that. But lately, as I've procrastinated so much, and the pile of work is starting to fall onto my head, I've been living with a new motto, that actually, people have enough time to do just anything they want, it's just the problem of whether they choose to do it or not. I've been trying very hard to convince myself that I have enough time for everything lately, but procrastination's in my blood, and it's not gonna take two days to change this damn character.

Too much on the boring personal share. Photos just sum up the random things that I did this week, consisting of going to the book fair, which is something I never cease to enjoy doing, imitating Emma Watson and only wear one earring and relaxing at the cupcake coffee shop. And don't be fooled, I don't read books that often, I'm just sort of addicted to the feeling of getting to buy new books.

Location: Pacey cupcake, 53G Nguyen Du, Dist.1, HCMC

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