Thursday, April 10, 2014

simple happiness

Hello earthlings, I am sick. This changing weather is pretty unpredictable, and I'm not saying that I miss the ridiculous heat of a few days ago, but you can never be sure how it's gonna be, like whether it'll get sunny again or whether it's gonna rain after all of this cloudy-thingy. And the feeling of waiting only makes you already sick.

Sorry for the abrupt stop from posts updates. I am, as I've kindly put it, entering the bored-zone again, where I've just simply lost motivation to do anything. I think everyone needs a break from everything for a while before finding new inspirations again don't you? So, I went out, had some waffles and a darn delicious teriyaki chicken rice set that was too good to forget but not enough to fill my empty stomach. Food, food is what happiness shapes, smells and tastes like.

We're having a plan to travel somewhere this holiday. I honestly can't wait because to be able to go on the trip I have to pass the however many homework and projects, each are as silly as the other. One can only hope for the best. Happy weekend, don't do anything foolish like reading two books continuously and then get sick like me haha. But like, seriously, don't.

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