Sunday, May 4, 2014

Denim on denim and the first tattoo

Eventful day. My classmates and I had a study meet-up to prepare for our Linguistics test next Monday. It's so nice to see them again after what seems like a month of indulgence. I carried my bag/suitcase with me out on the street for the first time since I got it. I usually get really excited over new stuff and always want to use them almost immediately, but this one is an exception because the bag that I just bought is as big as an actual suitcase, and it freaks me out a little bit every time I try to pair it with any clothes because of how ginormous it is. However, with an excuse of having to carry my camera, my study folder and my how many gifts from Dalat, I made a bold move and introduced the bag to society.

So much about one bag. I try not to talk about such private stuff on this blog, because, well, I have a whole other blog dedicated to that. I'm just trying to orientate the content of this blog to the fun and social (this one's important cause I'm not the most social kid you've met) stuff that happens to me, and it's quite new for me since I usually write for other purposes. But, because I only take photos when I'm feeling content, this blog will pose as a positive blog so that I could go back and read it and be optimistic about things.

Too personal again haha, so sorry. So here are the photos, we've really got to pick a different background next time because this one is too much of a mess I had a hard time making the photos look organized. Oh well, you learn something new everyday. The green of these photos really make me miss the landscape in Dalat. Definitely have to make another trip in the summer, just you wait!

The subject of my photos: Mi Trang (who just got her first tattoo today yayy). Follow her on Instagram as @mietrang :D

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