Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Last day in dream city

I promise, this is the last post about my trip, which seems to have happened a thousand years ago. So on the last full day here, we visited the Flower Garden, the Golden Valley and sat down for a hot cup of drink when it started to rain. Comparing to the blazing sun and the heat in Saigon right now, that rain and breeze were so dreamy.

Probably affected by the 5-day holiday, I am until now still very lazy on everything. Maybe the feeling that the school year's gonna end makes me don't wanna do anything with much passion anymore, although I still have like all of my important exams lying ahead. I don't know if it happens to you as well, but sometimes I feel like I've really shut down and can't be much productive anymore. Please let me know if you've been in the same situation with me and, if you're so kind, suggest a way to motivate yourself that you've found effective, cause I'm so in need of that right now :(

Anyway, forget about the demotivational talk, summer's coming, and that means it's the time when my friends who are studying abroad get to come home yayy. Hope your summer is going to rock as well, before that, enjoy the photos :D

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