Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The flea market

I'm terribly sorry for the lack of posts last month. A lot has happened this summer and I guess I needed some time alone to sort everything out. I haven't been doing much travelling in July, which bums me out so much since I've started summer class and have taken up a tutoring job and still have to go to the gym to burn out the excess fat that I'd gained after a few emotional breakdown days. Not travelling also leaves me with not so much to write, I've been reading a couple of books as well, but none have really inspired me enough.

So, I've made some changes to the blog. The original blog link was a bit too long and hard to memorize, hopefully with this new name it's gonna go faster into people heads :) My blog's now Sammographic.

This shoot was the first official lens testing shoot that I've done ever since I got the new lens. Must say after using a fixed lens for such a long time, this new 17-50mm feels like a babe. I can finally take a decent group photo without having to step back a thousand feet!! I'm also starting to edit my photos with Lightroom instead of Photoshop, finally I can get used to the display and how things work in there. Now that I've taken care of the basics, let's go take some decent photos!

The flea market for the past few months has been the kind of event that a girl can't miss. Just the amount of shops and clothes and people would make you stop your heart just by looking at it. And your heart will stop again, literally, when you actually step your foot inside the tents because of the unbelievable density of people and the ridiculous heat. I usually don't like crowds, but because my shopaholic side will never forgive me if I miss it, there I am, every time the market is held, and buying clothes, all for nothing since I don't have time to travel anymore. And although the flea market isn't exactly on the relaxing side, if there's another one next week, guess who'll be there with her big-ass camera?

 Location: Hoa Lu Stadium, Dist. 1, HCMC

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