Sunday, August 10, 2014

We're the green lovers

Our summer days are slowly coming to an end, and usually when I have too much time in my hand I do a lot of silly things that somehow come out as interesting adventurous tales when told to others. Thank God (and thank my lovely teacher) for summer course, because really what would we even do if we didn't go to school? The city's been unbearably hot again, which is no surprise since  it's pretty much like that every other day of the year. I love the sun, but on days when you have to constantly wipe the sweat off of your face, try to sit still in one place in order not to waste precious energy and blame yourself for not having brought more water, you'd wish for a cloudy rainy day with a lot of wind and a little less of sunlight. But I guess it's human nature, we can never be satisfied with what we have.

One good thing about the sun is that you never have to worry that your photos will come out too dark. We spent the day at the flea market again, like what shopaholics normally do, sweating and drinking Thai milk tea, which was unnecessarily sweet and tasted exactly like normal milk tea with food coloring, not as poetic as it was shown in these photos though. We were the only kids brave enough to step our feet out of the tents, into the direct sunlight of 12 o'clock at noon jumping around like monkeys to look for ideas while others walked past and probably thought: "These ones are out of their goddamn minds!". Weather like this just makes you wanna wear minimal clothing and not care about how bad your hair looks after half an hour under the sun. But summer has always been an inspirational time for me, to take photos and listen to new music and stuff. Hope you're still having a great summer, travel as much as you can okay?

Location: Hoa Lu Stadium, Dist. 1, HCMC

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