Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Thammasat day #2 - Opening ceremony & campus tour

Hello earthlings,

as promised, here is an update of what I did today, my second day spent at the Thammasat University in Thailand.

I had one of the best sleeps every last night, partly because it was quite a long traveling day and I got hyperactive about all of the food and everything, but mostly because the bed was so nice. The guesthouse is pretty awesome, it has what seems like a 3-star hotel service, with your room cleaned up and new fresh clean towels and bed sheets everyday. I’ve only been traveling on a budget, so it feels quite luxurious to have a place that’s nice and clean like this. Plus the view to the institute is also really nice, too bad there’s quite a lot of mosquitos so you can’t really bring your laptop to the ground and sit under the grass and be all nature-loving or that kind of stuff. The mosquitos will slay you, hard time.

Somehow we lost the air conditioner remote control, and I looked it up on the price board, it says 500 baht. Ouch.

So we had the opening ceremony this morning. My roommate and I wore the traditional Vietnamese clothes, and although in the group we’ve basically known each other after almost a day of hanging out, this piece of clothing still had some head-turning effects, which I have to shamelessly admit, I quite enjoy. 

The ceremony was really nice, we have the cheerleaders from the university doing the university dance, which I find interesting. I feel like in Vietnam students in a university don’t have anything to claim as characteristic of their school, like a dance or a song or a uniform or anything like that, which means liberty and more space to express yourself, but can also mean not having anything special and typical to show, especially in occasions like this.

I’m not going into details of the lectures, cause I know no one reads this part anyways, so I’m just gonna talk a bit about the schedule. 

We’re scheduled for 2 lectures, an orientation and a campus tour today. The lectures were quite refreshing, as they give you material, and also inspiration for the end result- which is the declaration. The orientation is basically about revising the schedule again, explaining the structure of the seminar and what our mission is. It turns out that I have more free time than I think, it’s quite nice cause I was also so used to traveling the hectic way, so it’s pleasing to see a program that’s not pushing the time too much. At the end of the seminar, we basically have a day and a half to just relax and enjoy every last bit of Thailand before flying back home.

The campus tour was also a highlight of the day. The Thammasat University is vast, quite similar to the system of mine, only better organized, more secured and cleaner. Educational goal right there.

our (another) beautiful host of today's ceremony and tour guide > v < 

in front of the Administration Building of Thammasat University 

my roommate yayyy 

piggy face time 

Then when we got back, there was this lovely dinner waiting for us, with traditional Thai performances. They wore really glittery and colorful clothes, which I am a sucker for, and we were also joined by the cheerleaders, which is really sweet.

Hah as talkative as we all are, during dinner we chatted about all sorts of things. And the talks continued and continued until the conference room was closed down, we then moved to another room nearby and continued talking, until that room was closed as well. But the amount and quality of the information that you get from that is overwhelmingly interesting. It’s just nice to see such a diversed group of people coming from different countries explaining about their country to each other. Just picture when all of us are finished with the seminar, we’re just gonna go back to our normal life, and each one of us is gonna live so differently it’s hard to even imagine that we used to sit in the same room talking about Thai desserts.

That was basically my second day in Thailand, and first day attending the seminar. So far so good, I’ll have to read more papers and prepare a lot as well, but I kind of like getting to know intellectual young people who are so eager to discuss topics that you’ve been dying to talk about in months and years. We’ll see how things go tomorrow, as we have quite a few lectures, and also a group discussion. Hopefully everything will go well.

See you tomorrow on the daily report of my piggy face in Thailand. Good night world!

More random photos of a(nother) sleepy dog and the institute where we're staying:

wearing traditional dress with Dr. Surin Pitsuwan, Former Secretary General of ASEAN

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