Monday, January 12, 2015

Thammasat day #3 & #4 - The heart of Bangkok


sorry for the lack of updates these past few days. We've been a little tired because of the activities, but overall it was SO much fun. It's the last official day of the seminar today, where we will read the declaration and answer questions concerning the declaration from other delegates. That's why we've been quite busy for the past couple of days.

Day number 3 was interesting, because after the 2 lectures on Creative Economy and Skills Set, which the Skills Set was especially fascinating, we got to visit the World Bank and have some time in downtown Bangkok. Given the fact that we've been staying in the Institute for the seminar for 3 days straight, this trip downtown was really something, as we got to see how the city comes alive and absorb all of the energy of Bangkok.

I love cities, I have to admit that. Being raised in the city, the feeling of the hectic life and always being surrounded by people is like air to me. That's why I was so excited to see Bangkok, as the last time I was there I was too little to be able to feel anything. It's true what they say, when you travel to one place at different ages, the feelings change as well. This time it was amazing. I got to feel so much and had to open my eyes really widely to take it all in, and hope sincerely that my brain won't forget these images and the feeling of the city.

Day number 4 didn't come with many photos as it was another full lecture day. I prepared myself to fight the sleepiness as I thought it was going to be quite tiring, but it turned out that the lecture about Globalization by Dr. Nessara was surprisingly clear and understandable, plus her wonderful energy adds to it as well. But the highlight of the day has to be the lecture on Disaster Management by Prof. Tavida. My lovely friend Bailiew told me about her before, describing how awesome she was, but not until you see her before your eyes and hear her talk do you feel how energetic and witty she really is. Disaster Management, come on, who would've thought it was going to be the most interesting subject of the day?

So here are some photos of our little excursion to downtown Bangkok. Many many thanks goes to Bailiew, my wonderfully lovely Thai friend who, despite her being a little sick and me being a little hyperactive pig, showed me around and kept me from being lost. Millions of hugs goes to your way!!

Dr. Kirida Bhaopichtir, Senior Economist of the World Bank. She got her Master's degree (or PhD, I need to double check on this) at Cornell University, you are allowed to gasp now.

goofy timeeeee 

here she is, my sweet little friend <3 

showing the love for Snoopy haha 

 and guess what, more pup on the campus :3

I've got so many more interesting photos to show you from our trips to Ayutthaya and the Grand Palace, hopefully I'll have some time downtown Bangkok today to edit them. Good day everyoneee!

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